Social Impact

The rise of corporate partnerships

Brittany Gray, M.Ed, CFRE guest stars on the NonProfitPRO Voice podcast

In episode 37 of the NonProfitPRO Voice podcast, Nhu Te, editor-in-chief of NonProfit PRO, is joined by Natalie Wood, Director of Community Engagement at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma; Whitney Atteberry, Event Specialist at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma; and Brittany Gray, our resident CFRE and Nonprofit Growth & Success Executive.

Together, they dive into the fundamentals of corporate and nonprofit relationships, provide tips for finding corporate partners, and discuss the creative ways nonprofit organizations partnered with companies throughout the pandemic to generate social impact. Listen in for more.

“With the right company as a partner, nonprofits can gain visibility from within the employee base and also within the community. Visibility is a huge benefit of corporate partnerships."

— Brittany Gray, M.Ed, CFRE

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